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Surface Seismic Survey​

Seismic Reflection, Refraction and MASW Technique Applications
Seismic waves are generated using a source (Sledge Hammer or Accelerator). Seismic refraction surveys

Seismic Refraction
Seismic Reflection
Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT)
Multi-channel Analysis Surface Waves (MASW)
Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW)


Borehole Seismic Survey​

Cross-hole & Down-hold Seismic Surveys
Cross-hole seismic surveys are used to derive information on the elastic properties of materials between two or more boreholes by measuring travel time of seismic energy depths.

Full wave sonic logging
Down-hole seismic test
P&S wave suspension logging
Cross-hole seismic test
Cross-hole seismic tomography


Electrical Methods​

1D/2D/3D Electrical Resistivity Sounding & Tomography Technique Applications
The electrical methods used for measurement of subsurface resistivity to the induced electric current using DC battery.

Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT-2D/3D)
Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES)
Spontaneous/Self Potential (SP)
Shallow Direct Current Electrical Resistivity
Induced Polarization (IP)
Thermal resistivity (IP)


Ground Penetrating Radar​

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Applications
Detection & mapping of underground utilities, cavities & voids (structures – dams, bridges. weirs, barrages, etc.), road investigations, soil – bedrock interface, water table determination, archaeology & forensics, concrete inspection and structural inspection.

Surface GPR Scanning
Borehole GPR Scanning


Potential Field Methods​

Gravity Methods
Gravity measurements are used to map density contrasts in geological formations.
Magnetic Methods
Magnetometers can be used to map buried variations of magnetic susceptibilities.

Gravity Survey
Land Gravity
Absolute Gravity
Relative Gravity
Borehole Gravity
Marine Gravity
Airborne Gravity
Magnetic Survey
Land Magnetics
Aerial Magnetics
Marine Magnetics


Electromagnetic Methods

Electromagnetic Technique Applications
Location of buried metal objects (eg. tanks & drums)
Mineral exploration
Determination of sedimentary basin thickness

Frequency Domain EM
Time Domain TDEM


Geophysical Logging Methods​

Geophysical Logging Technique Applications
Borehole logging provides continuous record of a wide range of formation’s rock properties using geophysical techniques. Determination of rocks and formations elastic properties, resistivity, or radioactivity can be made using the geophysical well logging method.

Three-arm caliper logging
Temperature conductivity logging
Natural gamma logging
Gamma-gamma (density) logging
Impeller flow meter logging
Electric logging
Deviation logging


Earthquake Monitoring​

Quantum Science (QS) brings together a multi-disciplinary team with expertise in geology, geophysics, geomorphology, and geotechnical engineering with the ability to offer complete geo-hazard services
• Identification
• Risk Assessment
• Analysis
• Solution Engineering
• Management

Recent Earthquakes
Earthquake Interpretation
Earthquake Statistics
Seismological Measures for Hazard Mitigation


Monitoring​ & Mitigation

Quantum Science (QS) brings together a multi-disciplinary team with expertise in geology, geophysics, geomorphology, and geotechnical engineering with the ability to offer complete geo-hazard services
• Identification
• Risk Assessment
• Analysis
• Solution Engineering
• Management

Strong Motion Monitoring
Vibration Monitoring
Rockfall Hazard Mitigation & Early Warning
Volcanic Hazard Mitigation


Geothermal Services

QS offers a range of geothermal services
Detailed study of the subsurface in search of viable active geothermal regions with the goal of building geothermal power plants, with hot fluids driving turbines to create energy. Exploration methods include a broad range of disciplines including geology, geophysics, geochemistry and engineering.

Renewable Energy


Renewable Energy Services

QS offers renewable energy services
Assessment, verification, testing and support services throughout the entire life of your renewable energy (solar & wind) projects, from the design phase to integration, installation and set-up.

Renewable Energy


Drilling & Field Logistics Services

QS has a resourceful crew capable of conducting various types of drilling and field services in all kinds of terrain. Our services include:

Groundwater drilling
Dewatering & Shoring
Core drilling & sampling
Scientific & siesmic observatory borehole drilling
Remote communication facilities through VSAT, RF, GPRS & GSM
Electrical & civil services for camping with field catering services
Four wheel drive SUV’s with navigation systems & guides with knowledge of the terrain


Geospatial & Inspection Drone Services

QS offers geospatial drone solutions, drone inspection and support services. Our services include:

Surveying & Mapping
Land, Cadastral & Magnetic Survey
Urban Planning
Construction, Mining & Agriculture
Progress Management, Earthwork, BIM, Preservation, Agriculture
Mining Survey, Facade, Asset Inspection, Site Safety
Inspection & Support
Electricity & Renewables Inspection
Powerline, Substation, Photovoltaic Power Plant & Wind Turbine Inspection
Oil, Gas & Infrastructure
Facility, Pipeline, Bridge & Roof Inspection